2011年8月19日 星期五

Day 1 - Daughter's Café 朵兒咖啡館

Daughter's Café. Yes! It's Because the movie "Taipei Exchange", it's such a great movie! It even makes me want to open my own Café, haha~
朵兒咖啡館。沒錯!就是因為電影「第36個故事」,我超愛這部電影,它我最喜歡的國片~ 甚至把我想要開咖啡館的夢想再度挑起了!

And of course~ I ordered the chocolate brownie and expresso, just like the man did in the movie, I even sat at the same spot like the movie!
It feels quite nice to sit alone at the bar table, watching the stuffs busy making coffee, taking orders and serve them it's quite a view actually, especially they are all pretty girls =P (just kidding)
當然!我點了巧克力布朗尼和義式濃縮,就好像電影裡男主角所點的一樣,還坐一樣的位子,我還偷偷說了「好吃」(#^.^#) (噓...)

For my tops! I wore simple dark purple today, I actually hope I can wear different shirt everyday, but I don't have that much clothes Orz

It's really a big challenge to finish "One Day" in 30 days for me. It got 437 pages, that means i have to read at least 15 pages per day, and all in English! Gosh, for person barely reading like me, it would be a really big step if this challenge be complected in time.
哇哩咧!『真愛挑日子』這本原文書真的是有夠厚的!總共437頁,字又小... 如果要在30天內完成,一天起碼要讀15頁。對我這種完全沒有讀書習慣的人真的是一大挑戰啊!

Finished the first chapter of John, and I so love what Jesus said at the 50
John 1:50 (NIV)
Jesus said, “You believe because I told you I saw you under the fig tree. You will see greater things than that.
He so cool ! I believe Nathanael must be so speechless at the time haha!
約 翰 福 音 1:50 (CUV)
耶 穌 對 他 說 : 「 因 為 我 說 『 在 無 花 果 樹 底 下 看 見 你 』 , 你 就 信 嗎 ? 你 將 要 看 見 比 這 更 大 的 事

4 則留言:

  1. Seriously! Never let the espresso get cold...
    And you never wanna know how bad it would be...

  2. eh what a coincidence i also bought the book 'one day' yesterday! I didn't know what book to buy and i bought that cause it's filmed into a movie already, so must be good. lool

  3. And i read somewhere there's this cafe in Taiwan called 'Dazzling Cafe' and the toasts there are really good.

  4. haha, I'm behind the schedule about the book, should be 35 pages by now, but not even 20...

    thanks for the advice yo~
    Dazzling Cafe is not in the plan,
    but I will go anyway, cos had already planed to bring my friend there for Chai latte, they are the only place selling it in Taipei (i guess)
